Kamis, 03 November 2016

The Legend of Crying Rock

Image result for legenda batu menangisOn a hill, the area of ​​Borneo lived a poor mother and a daughter.
The girl was very beautiful . But unfortunately, she has a very bad attitude. She was very lazy, never helped her mother do chores.

Besides lazy, her attitude was very spoiled. All of her requests must be obeyed. Every time she asked for something to her mother, it has to be granted, regardless of her mother is poor, every day she must work hard looking for rice.

One day the girl asked her mother down to the village for shopping. The village market was so far, so they had to walk pretty far too. The girl was  wearing nice clothes and dress up so people who see it eventually will admire her beauty. While her mother walked behind, carrying a basket with a very dirty clothes. Because they live in an isolated place, no one knew that the woman who runs it is the mother and child.

When they begin to enter the village, the village people looking at them. They were so fascinated by the beauty of the girls, especially the young men. But when they saw a lady walking behind her, quite in contrast. It makes everyone wonder.

Among those who saw it, a young man approached and asked her, "Hey, pretty girl. Is that  your mother?"
However, the girl answered
"No, she is my servant!"
Both mother and child were then continued on. Not so far, a young man approached again and asked the girl.
"Hi, honey. Is that behind you is your mother?"
"No, no," she replied with a tilted head. "she is a slave!"
That's happen when she met someone along the way who ask about her mother. Her mother was treated as servants or slaves.

At first, the mother still can refrain. But after repeatedly heard the same answer and very hurtful, finally the poor mother could not resist. The mother prayed.

"My God, I was not able to resist this insult,god punish this rebellious child! Punish her ...."
Image result for legenda batu menangisOf the power of God Almighty, the body of the girl was slowly turned into stone. That change starts from the feet. When those changes have reached half of the body, the girl was crying begging forgiveness from her mother.

"Oh, my mom, please forgive me. Mom ... mom ... forgive your daughter .." The girl continued to wail and cry begged her mother. However, everything was too late. The entire body of the girl was eventually turned into stone. Even into stone, but people can see that her eyes still shed tears, like she was crying. Therefore, the stone was called "The Crying Rock".


1.where did the girl lived?
   a. on a hill
   b. on a city
   c. near the lake
   d. on the village

2.what is the girl personality?
   a. very lazy
   b. hard worker
   c. cheerfull
   d. short temper

3.what was the girl turned into?
   a. pillow
   d. wood

4.when asked by people about her mother, what was the girl's answer?
   a. "my only one"
   b. "my servant"
   c. "my daughter"
   d. "my mother"

5.what was the girl reaction when her body turned into stone?
   a. begging her mother for forgiveness
   b. mock her mother
   c. run away
   d. pray to the God

Mount Tangkuban Perahu

Image result for tangkuban perahu

 Tangkuban perahu is one of volcano in West Java, 25 kilometers north of Bandung direction of Lembang. Its location is in between Sagalaherang village, Sagalaherang district, Subang regency and Cikole village, Lembang district, Bandung regency. This volcano offers many places to see and explore. It is a popular tourist attraction where tourists can hike or ride to the edge of the crater to view the hot water springs and boiling mud up close, and buy eggs cooked on the hot surface.
When seen from Bandung, Mt. Tangkuban Perahu has a distinctive shape, like an upside down boat.

Image result for tangkuban perahu

Tangkuban Perahu means, in fact, "up-turned boat" This peculiar shape has stimulated the fantasy of the Sundanese people from early times as expressed in the Legend of Sangkuriang. Geologically, Mt. Tangkuban Perahu has played a significant role in the development of Parahyangan highlands.
angkuban Perahu is a volcano with three craters into which areas tourists can walk through. These three craters are: Kawah Ratu ("Queen Crater"), Kawah Domas ("Domas Crater"), and Kawah Upas ("Upas Crater")

  Image result for tangkuban perahu kawah ratuImage result for tangkuban perahu kawah ratu

Tourists can go down into the Domas Crater where exist many hot geysers in which they can boil eggs. Though the mountain appears peaceful, mild eruptions occurred in 1969, when Kawah Ratu spewed ash and barrages 500 m high. As recently as September 1992 it was closed to the public for a few days because unusually high seismic activity leads volcanologist to fear a new eruption. On the mountain's northern flank is an area called Death Valley, so named for its frequent accumulation of poisonous gases.

Kawah Ratu, which means "Queen's Crater", is today just a big gray hole which sometimes has a pool of water at its center. Poisonous gases sometimes accumulate in Kawah Ratu, thus making it somewhat of a risk to descend to the crater floor. Beyond the saddled shaped depression on the far side of Kawah Ratu is the still active Kawah Upas, the oldest crater on the mountain. On the very far western cliff you see a spot where all vegetation has been destroyed by constantly rising sulphurous vapors. On the crater walls, note the various layers of material consisting of rock, sand, and pebbles. Overtime, new craters have formed again and again in a rather consistent shift from west to east. The most well known of these is the Domas crater, but also there are other smaller ones in jungle on the mountain's northeastern flank.

Kamis, 27 Oktober 2016

                Rabbits are small mammals with fluffy, shorttails, whiskers and distinctive long ears. While many people think rabbits are about the size of a cat, some rabbit species. can grow to be as big as a small child. They eat vegetabels like carrots and lettuce.

Image result for about rabbit
              Small rabbit species can be as little as 8 inches(20 centimeters) in length and weigh less than a pound. Larger rabbits grow to 20 inches (50 cm) and more than 4 pounds(1.8 kilograms). The world's largest rabbit clocked in at 4 feet 3 inches (129.54 cm) 
and 49 pounds (22 kg).

Image result for about rabbit              These mammals are known for their insatiable reproductive habits for good reason. They breed three to four times each year, This is because only 15 percent of baby rabbits make it to their first birthday.

               While originally from Europe and Africa, rabbits now call many places home. Wild rabbits can be found in woods, forests, meadows, grasslands, deserts, tundra and wetlands.
·         Kingdom: Animalia
·         Phylum: Chordata
·         Subphylum: Vertebrata
·         Class: Mammalia
·         Order: Lagomorpha
·         Family: Leporidae
·         GeneraBrachylagus, Pentalagus, Bunolagus, Nesolagus, Romerolagus, Oryctolagus, Sylvilagus, Poelagus
·         Species: There are more than 50 species of rabbits. The domestic rabbit is Oryctolagus cuniculus.
Image result for about rabbit

1. How many rabbit species are there?
   a. over 60
   b. less than 50
   c. over 50
   d. less than 60

2. what is the class of the rabbit?
   a. mammals
   b. amphibi
   c. aves
   d. reptilia

3. where does the rabbit originally came from?
   a. europe
   b. indonesia
   c. brazil
   d. america

4. what does rabbit eat?
   a. vegetables
   b. meat
   c. iron
   d. wood

5. where can we find wild rabbits?
   a. meadows
   b. ocean
   c. cave
   d. sky

Kamis, 20 Oktober 2016


Image result for megANTARA SMA 3
Megantara is one of spectacular event in SMAN 3 Bandung. It was held on last Saturday, 10th September 2015. Megantara is name of festival culture  SMAN 3 Bandung which held every year. Megantara taken from Sanskrit word. ‘Mega’ means big and ‘Gantari’ means light or rays. So, “megantara” means “nusantara is a majestic rays’’.There will be a lot of special performance from our guest star and you will amaze of this event.
Megantara started with Parade. The participants are children used unic clothes and student class X used sundanesse clothes.
The parade start from Bali street->Belitung street->Sumatera street->Java street-> and back to Bali street. After that there are some performances from Reog Ponorogo.  And I really enjoyed it.

After parade, we took a break. We were eating some food because many foodtruck and foodstand in Megantara,changing our clothes, praying and taking a break in a mosque. At 11.30 is open gate, many people are already queuing to get into Lapangan Bali.
There are some performances from extracurricullar in SMAN 3 such as vocal group, traditional musical instruments, and cabaret. Than,  there are fashion show with traditional dress. This fashion show illustrates the cultural wealth in Indonesia.
Image result for megANTARA SMA 3
Alhamdulillah my classmate won in this fashion show and get one million rupiah. I am very proud of my classmates who are willing to participate in this fashion show.
At 07.00 PM is climax of this event because there are special performances from our guest star. It started with The Changcuters performances. It makes all visitor dance and sing together. I really enjoyed it. Than, there are some performances from RAN. And the event over at 10 pm.

Image result for megANTARA SMA 3

Kamis, 13 Oktober 2016


hey guys!!!
im from SMAN 3 Bandung proudly present a culture festival called MEGANTARA
megantara is a special event from SMAN 3 Bandung. This event is a colaboration of modern culture and tradisional culture. there will be a lott of games,event, and guest star. so make sure you come!!!!
for more information you an contact our official acount!

and also check my video on youtube!! dont forget to like and subscribe :)

Sebagai muslim yang beriman kita harus selalu mendekatkan diri pada Allah SWT dan berusaha mendapat ridhonya. oleh karena itu beribadahlah dengan rajin dan selalu berdoa dengan sesungguh hati.

Berkut ini beberapa cara untuk mendekatkan diri pada Allah SWT:

  • berdoalah pada Allah SWT jika mengalami kesulitan
  • selalu beribadah
  • bedzikir
  • selalu optimis
  • naik haji
  • umrah

Senin, 12 September 2016

Its Me

hello everybody!!

       My name is Rubben Denova Rohmana, you can call me ben. I was born on 4th of april 2001. i live in bandung for all my life, but my parents doesnt live in bandung for all they life. My father born in Garut, his name is Deni Rohmana, he spend about 22 years in garut before moving to Bandung. Different from my father, my mother born in Tasik,her name is Yuana Dewi, she also spend about 22 years in Tasik before moving to bandung. I also have one big brother, our age is only 2 different apart, his name is Reyhan Fadyla Rohmana.

      my hobby is playing soccer, i started to love soccer when i was in junior highschool. i feel so happy when im playing soccer, the feeling when i score a goal is so fantastic. my favorite soccer club is manchester united. i think manchester united is so awsome because it won a lott of thropies since i was little.

      my favorite song is dear god by avenged sevenfold. i like that song because the lirycs are so deep and the music is so enjoyable. its a rock type music but not too extreme. you must hear this song! you will love it. not only song, i also love movie. my favorite movie is suicide squad, its a movie about a bunch of criminals who saved the world from an alien called the echantress. you should watch it!

     i think thats it  for now, dont forget to check my next blog! byeee

Jumat, 26 Agustus 2016

Kata Depan dalam Pedoman Umum Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia

Kata depan, seperti dike, dan dari, ditulis terpisah dari kata yang mengikutinya. Misalnya:
Di mana dia sekarang?
Kain itu disimpan di dalam lemari.
Dia ikut terjun ke tengah kancah perjuangan.
Mari kita berangkat ke kantor.
Saya pergi ke sana mencarinya.
Ia berasal dari Pulau Penyengat.
Cincin itu terbuat dari emas.

Penulisan Guratan Karakter Han ( 汉字 | 漢字 | Hànzì)

Karakter Han |  汉字 / 漢字 | Hànzì merupakan komponen utama dalam bahasa Cina, Jepang dan Korea (sekarang jarang digunakan). Orang Cina menyebutnya sebagai Hanzi, orang Jepang menyebutnya Kanji dan orang Korea menyebutnya Hanja. Hanzi sendiri memerlukan ketelitian dan juga kesabaran untuk menguasainya. Bayangkan saja untuk mencapai level 6Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (TOEFL-nya bahasa Mandarin), kita diwajibkan mengetahui dan memahami 2.600-an karakter atau lebih dari 5.000 kata. Karakter Han harus ditulis secara runut penulisannya, sehingga hasil penulisan akan nampak lebih apik.
Menurut Hanban level 6 dalam HSK ini setara dengan level C2 CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages / Kerangka Tingkat Penguasaan Bahasa Standar Eropa)
Saat belajar karakter Han pertama kali, kita harus tahu bagaimana cara menulis yang tepat. Urutan guratan juga harus benar-benar diperhatikan karena jika salah urutan hasil tulisan kita pun akan tampak aneh. Berikut merupakan pedoman umum dalam penulisan hanzi, urutan tersebut tidak selalu benar karena akan ada pengecualian untuk beberapa hanzi.
Ada salah satu karakter yang mengandung delapan guratan dasar karakter Han yaitu  | yǒng yang berarti keabadian.
永字八法 | Yǒngzì Bā Fǎ atau Delapan Guratan dalam Karakter Yong merupakan prinsip dasar penulisan karakter Han yang terdapat dalam satu karakter  |yǒng

Delapan guratan dasar dalam penulisan karakter Han

Guratan pada karakter  yaitu:
  • Guratan titik (  |    |  diǎn)
  • Guratan mendatar ( |   |  héng). Dari kanan ke kiri.
  • Guratan tegak lurus ( |   竪/豎  |shù). Dari atas ke bawah.
  • Guratan kail ( |   |  gōu)

Urutan penulisan karakter 

  • Guratan tegas kiri  (  |  tí ) – Dari kiri ke kanan.
  • Guratan tegas kanan ( | piě). Dari kanan ke kiri
  • Guratan menukik kiri  (弯 |  | wān) . Dari kanan atas ke kiri bawah
  • Guratan menukik kanan ( | ). Dari kiri atas ke kanan bawah

Prinsip dasar guratan[1]

三-order.gif三-bw.pngAtas kemudian bawah
十-order.gif十-bw.pngGuratan mendatar kemudian guratan tegak lurus
八-order.gif八-bw.pngKiri kemudian kanan
口-order.gif口-bw.pngGuratan tegak lurus sisi kiri dahulu sebelum guratan mendatar atas
生-order.gif生-bw.pngGuratan mendatar menjadi penutup sebelum guratan tegak lurus
水-order.gif水-bw.pngTengah dahulu sebelum bagian samping
文-order.gif文-bw.pngGuratan jatuh kiri dahulu sebelum guratan jatuh kana
玉-order.gif玉-bw.pngGuratan kecil biasanya paling akhir.
:Beberapa contoh lainnya:  那-order.gif 力-order.gif 广-order.gif -order.gif 手-order.gif 扌-order.gif 提-order.gif

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